
Monday, 22 December 2014

EBOLA OUTBREAK: Nigeria To Test Vaccines Next February

The second phase of GlaxoSmithKline's experimental Ebola vaccine trials have been slated to begin in February 2015 and will hold in Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali and Senegal.
The trials were expected to commence earlier but were postponed after national regulators expressed the need to gather more information.

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A two-day meeting of the national regulatory authorities and ethics committees was hosted earlier this week by the World Health Organization (WHO) after which the UN agency stated that all aspects of the proposed trials had been thoroughly discussed.

“Reviewing countries requested additional documentation from the manufacturer of the vaccine, GlaxoSmithKline, before authorization of the trials,” the WHO said in a statement.

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“If these steps are completed to the satisfaction of the national authorities, Phase II trials are likely to begin in February,” the statement added.

GSK’s vaccine is currently in the first phase of clinical trials and its suitability for use in humans is being tested in Switzerland, Britain, Mali and the United States.
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